Mclaren официально представил спорткар 675lt


675LT CoupeThe 675LT was originally launched solely as a coupe and it was limited to 500 examples worldwide which were all sold out by the time of first deliveries. The car featured a revised version of their 3.8L V8 twin-turbo engine borrowing parts from the P1, there was also new carbon ceramic brakes and a brand new “airbrake” which improved downforce by 40%. The 7-speed SSG dual-clutch gearbox remained mechanically unchanged but now had improved software resulting in quicker shift times than the 650S. Through extensive use of carbon fibre and Alcantara, thinner glass and lightweight alloy wheels the 675LT managed to be 100kg lighter than the 650s and all of this combined resulted in a dramatic improvement in performance.

Where the 675 really stood out was in the way it drove, it had a faster steering rack than the McLaren P1 and it was immediately apparent that the LT had plenty of the finesse and feel which was previously lacking in McLaren’s line up. Whilst it was certainly at its finest on the track, the LT was universally praised for its compliance on the road, making excellent use of McLaren’s different driving modes, featuring Normal, Sport and Track settings for both the chassis and the powertrain.

McLaren 675LT Coupe – Volcano Orange (Elite Paint)

675LT SpiderLater in 2015, after all the coupes were sold out, McLaren launched the 675LT Spider featuring an electronically folding hard-top roof. The roof could fully retract within 16 seconds and whilst moving at up to speeds of 25mph. Like it’s coupe sibling there were 500 examples built worldwide and the similarities didn’t stop there. The LT Spider manages to achieve near identical performance figures despite the fact it was 40kg heavier. It’s top speed was only fractionally reduced at 203mph and still achieved a 0-62mph time matching the 2.9 seconds of the coupe. Visually there wasn’t too much difference either and even if the LT coupe is seen as the purer driving experience of the two, the added joy of open-top motoring is what made the LT Spider that extra bit special. The Spider also features a small electric rear window so you can get unadulterated noise from the engine whilst driving with the roof up.

McLaren 675LT Spider – MSO Burton Blue (MSO Defined Paint)

675LT Spider MSO Carbon SeriesA limited run special was announced in 2016 for the 675LT Spider which featured a fully exposed carbon fibre body, with all the panels including the folding roof, tonneau cover and front wing louvres designed and fitted by McLaren Special Operations (MSO). The MSO Carbon Series was actually inspired by the carbon-fibre bodied P1 which made such an impact at the 2016 Geneva Motor Show and with only 25 examples to be built worldwide the 675LT Spider MSO Carbon Series was sold out at launch. Although technically it was the exact same car as the 675LT Spider, other than the carbon fibre body panels, the MSO Series did get the added benefit of the Track Telemetry option as standard.

McLaren 675LT Spider MSO Carbon Edition – Blue Carbon Fibre

688 HSSoon after, McLaren unveiled a special edition for the 675LT coupe and this was seen as the swan-song and final iteration of the 675LT. The ‘HS’ stands for High Sport and featured increased power to 688PS and more torque. Inspired by the P1 GTR, this car featured notable aerodynamic improvements to the car with the most obvious one being the huge new rear wing increasing downforce further, as well as new aero flicks on the front bumper. The car also featured the previously optional “Roof Scoop” as well as numerous carbon fibre upgrades as standard helping bring the weight down further. Like the MSO Carbon Series the 688 HS was limited to just 25 cars worldwide with each one said to be individually tailored by MSO ensuring no HS was built the same.

McLaren MSO 688HS – Volcano Red

With MSO able to offer customised individually bespoke cars, there were also a number of specially commissioned one-off designs including a matching Coupe and Spider pair called the the “MSO R” editions which featured ECU tweaks, a unique exhaust system and a custom paint job. There is also the “MSO Gulf Racing Edition” which featured the iconic powder blue and orange hue built as a homage to the 1996 Gulf-Davidoff GTC McLaren F1 GTR “Longtail.”


С внешней стороны британская модель выглядит узнаваемо и ее легко можно отличить по элементам кузова. Но новинка пережила существенную модернизацию и обилие современных технологий. Очень стильно и спортивно выглядит передняя часть, оснащенная необычной передней оптикой, которая теперь будет чаще встречаться в моделях британского бренда. По своей форме она растягивается от центра и уходит к нижней части переднего бампера.

Что касается самой оптики, она матричного типа. Это адаптивное светодиодное освещение, позволяющее хорошо освещать дорогу. Однако группа дизайнеров создала необычные LED ходовые огни, выполненные в форме эмблемы компании, которые отлично просматриваются даже издалека. Из-за того, что мотор МакЛарен 675 ЛТ стоит в задней части, передняя часть оснащена небольшим багажным отделением.

Львиную долю передней части отдали дизайнерскому бамперу с карбоновой юбкой внизу. Капот и боковые крылья были скопированы почти полностью с прошлых машин компании по классу Spider. На торце можно заметить классическую эмблему британской компании. В нижней части прослеживается продуманная аэродинамика спортивного автомобиля. Лобовое стекло имеет один стеклоочиститель и характерный наклон.

Боковая часть поменяла собственный стиль и обрела свой характер, чего явно не доставало в прошлых версиях. Задние колесные арки более сильно выступают над основной частью кузова, а передние идут почти вровень с крыльями. Не поменялась и стилистика боковых дверей суперкара. Двери открываются вверх при помощи нажатия на клавишу под выгнутой линией кузова. Поменялись и внешние зеркала. Крепежная ножка и корпус зеркал сделали из карбона.

Украшает все это фигурная выгнутая линия. Базовая комплектация McLaren 675 LT может похвастаться электрической регулировкой, подогревом, автоматическим складыванием и памятью на 3 режима настроек. Стоит McLaren 675 LT Coupe на фирменных 19-дюймовых легкосплавных дисков впереди и 20-дюймовых «катках» сзади. Установлены покрышки Pirelli P Zero Trofeo R. Из-за того, что автомобиль McLaren 675 LT относят к нише «Спайдер», говорит о том, что у него складная крыша. Это машина, имеющая жесткую крышу, которую можно убрать.

Что касается задней части, она обладает массивными карбоновыми воздухозаборниками, которые направляют для отвода потока воздуха. Кроме базовой внешности, в качестве отдельной опции можно поставить различные обвесы, чтобы улучшить технические характеристики МакЛарен 675 ЛТ. У заднего бампера есть многочисленные аэродинамические отверстия внизу. В центральной его части нашлось место для номерного знака, а по бокам установлены противотуманные фары со светодиодным наполнением.

Также просто невозможно не заметить выхлопную систему «британца». Группа дизайнеров решила вынести ее в центр, что является фирменной чертой компании. В центре красуется 2 титановых наконечника выпускной системы и эмблема между ними. Новый МакЛарен 675 ЛТ обладает светодиодными стопами, спрятанными в верхней части машины. Хотя они имеют вид горизонтальных белых линий, в реальности они выполняют несколько значений одновременно.

Украшается также задняя часть спортивного купе при помощи классического обвеса и заднего спойлера, имеющего интеллектуальный механизм. Такое устройство умеет в автоматическом порядке рассчитывать давление воздуха, аэродинамическое сопротивление и скорость.

Технические характеристики

Силовой агрегат

«Сердцем» спортивного купе из Британии является 3.8-литровый V-образный 8-цилиндровый двигатель M838TL Twin-Turbo с двумя турбинами, генерирующий 675 лошадиных силы (700 Нм). Данная установка оборотистая и пик мощности приходится на 7 100 об/мин. Некоторые считают, что инженеры установили старенький «движок», который ставили на другие автомобили, однако это не правда.

Модель 675 ЛТ оснащена другим распределительным валом, облегченными шатунами блока цилиндров, другим бензонасосом и иными турбинами. Также стоит титановая выхлопная система. Хотя бессмысленно говорить о расходе топлива, так как подобные машины приобретают богатые люди, в компании заявляют о 17 литрах 98-го бензина в городском режиме. В реальности такие цифры будут больше.


Передает крутящие усилия на задние колеса 7-ступенчатая роботизированная коробка передач с двумя сцеплениями. С ней, спортивный автомобиль уже за 2.9 сек разгоняется до 100 километров в час. Вторую сотню достигает за 8 сек, а предельный скоростной режим не превышает 330 километров в час.

Ходовая часть

Специалисты компании внедрили отличную подвеску. Она получилась на 27 процентов жестче, чем у версии McLaren 650S. Это положительно отразилось на управляемости транспортного средства. За быструю остановку отвечают мощные карбоно-керамические тормозные устройства. Конструкция McLaren 675 LT оснащена более легкими материалами, что снизило массу купе на 100 кг. При помощи обновленного обвеса кузова, можно генерировать на 40 процентов больше прижимной силы, если сравнивать с прошлым автомобилем.

Все поколения McLaren 675LT

2015 – н.в.


Купе Сегодня в продаже

  • 590 000 руб. Volvo S80
  • 210 000 руб. Mercedes-Benz E-klasse
  • 450 000 руб. Volkswagen Polo
  • 892 000 руб. Mercedes-Benz GL-klasse
  • 1 960 000 руб. Mazda CX-5
  • 2 800 000 руб. Mercedes-Benz E-klasse
  • 445 000 руб. 2121 (4×4)
  • 160 000 руб. LADA (ВАЗ) Granta
  • 67 000 руб. LADA (ВАЗ) 2114
  • 825 руб. Kia Optima
  • 222 руб. Toyota Yaris Njvc
  • 222 руб. Toyota Yaris
  • 23 222 руб. Lexus RX
  • 1 140 000 руб. Mercedes-Benz C-klasse
  • 400 000 руб. Toyota Corolla
  • 3 800 000 руб. Mercedes-Benz G-klasse AMG
  • 3 800 000 руб. Mercedes-Benz G-klasse AMG
  • 7 000 000 руб. BMW X7
  • 1 490 000 руб. Ford Explorer
  • 7 000 000 руб. BMW X7
  • 1 950 000 руб. Ford Explorer
  • 400 000 руб. ГАЗ 24 «Волга»
  • 2 800 000 руб. Mercedes-Benz GL-klasse

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Автосервисы в России

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Обращая внимание на внутреннее убранство нового McLaren 675 LT Spider, сразу начинаешь понимать, что автомобиль стоит очень дорого, потому что почти все обшито алькантарой. Салон обладает двумя посадочными местами, прекрасными спортивными креслами ковшеобразной формы, оснащенными карбоновым корпусом

Сразу стоит понять, что обилие свободного пространства тут не будет, ведь это спортивная машина, однако сидеть в реальности очень удобно.

Непосредственно перед водителем стоит 3-спицевое рулевое колесо из алькантары, обладающее карбоновыми спицами. «Штурвал» лишен ненужных органов управления, поэтому удобно располагается в руках. Не обошлось без огромных карбоновых лепестков коробки передач. Приборную панель британские специалисты разделили на 3 секции. По бокам стоят компактные экраны, выводящие различные необходимые данные о состоянии силового агрегата. В центре же установили массивный аналоговый тахометр, получивший электронный спидометр.

На центральной консоли McLaren 675 LT Coupe нашлось место для большого круглого дефлектора вентиляционной системы, размещенный в самом верху. Ниже есть дисплей развлекательного центра, получивший вертикальное строение. Помимо этого, он выводит навигационные данные. Далее идет одна шайба и несколько клавиш, делающих управление машиной более комфортным.

Затем заметна кнопка запуска мотора и стильно сделанные шайбы, переключающие режимы езды и отвечающие за разнообразные системы. Не обошлось без парочки кнопок. Далее все перетекает в тоннель, оснащенный большим рычагом «ручника» электронного типа. Рядом есть кнопка аварийной сигнализации, управление электрическими стеклоподъемниками, клавиша открытия багажного отделения и кнопка управления режимами коробкой передач.


McLaren’s are not known for their low running costs and the 675LT is no different. Most cars if not all 675LT’s will be out of their original 3 year manufacturer’s warranty by now. This is of course extendable and if buying a used example from a franchised McLaren dealer they will provide a 12 month McLaren warranty on all their used cars. If buying from an independent dealer the general rule of thumb is that if the warranty has lapsed you will need to have owned the car for 90 days before McLaren will be able to put a manufacturer’s warranty on. This will be subject to an inspection and health check which tends to cost about £500. Something worth considering is getting the car serviced at the time of the warranty inspection as they will often waiver the service inspection fee. Also if the McLaren is still under it’s warranty at the time you’re extending it then it won’t require the inspection.

We have found varying costs when it comes to extending the warranty but here were our latest findings:

4th Year (12 month) Extended Warranty – £3,400

4th & 5th Year (24 month) Extended Warranty – £7,800

It is also worth considering alternative warranties such as the RAC Platinum Warranty which costs around £1,500 and in our experience have been very good and have paid out for the vast majority of issues. Warranty Wise is also worth considering – they are a little more expensive coming in at around £2,500 but they claim to provide the same level of cover as the manufacturer’s warranty.

In our opinion it is essential to have some kind of warranty on the car, with the manufacturer’s warranty being the preference as it gives you the ultimate peace of mind, and it does add some value to the car if you are selling it with the balance still remaining on the vehicle. The third party warranties tend to be the most cost-effective solutions as they provide a high level of cover at a fraction of the price.

In terms of reliability issues, we have always felt the build quality of the 675LT was up there with the best cars McLaren have built. A large proportion of owners have experienced no issues at all and have had a wonderful ownership experience. Being a McLaren though we would advise going into ownership with some kind of expectation there might be a few niggles here and there. Most, if not all the issues are resolvable by a visit to a main dealer, some of the things we’ve come across are as follows:

  • Issues with Soft Close Doors Feature
  • Stress Fractures to Windscreens
  • Condensation in Rear Brake Lights
  • In-Cabin Rattles
  • Thermostat / Coolant Issues
  • Climate Control Warnings on Dashbaord

With regards to servicing, like every McLaren model they should be serviced annually regardless of the mileage. Ideally, they should be serviced within the same 3-month window every year as McLaren will look for ways to be difficult when extending the warranty. This is an area which can raise an issue, however we have found with a bit of sweet talk they will agree to extend the warranty, even if it has missed a service or been serviced very late but only on the basis that the car has covered minimal mileage.

Average servicing costs seem to vary from £1,000-2,000 depending on the mileage you’ve covered since the last service.

We highly recommend always getting the car serviced at franchised authorised McLaren service centre, but if you are intent on saving money then there are 3rd party options. These include Thorney Motorsport, who are a McLaren servicing specialist but please bear in mind when you come to sell the car the fact that you have specialist history instead of McLaren franchise history may make it harder to sell the car and you may suffer a loss in value as a result.


A new McLaren era was born when the McLaren MP4-12C, later renamed the 12C, was launched in 2011. Although it made a huge impact the 12C was fraught with reliability issues and complaints that it lacked driving soul. In 2014 McLaren replaced the car with the 650S which made improvements in both styling and performance, however most critics said it was still lacking in both feel and noise, and ultimately too focused on straight line speed.

In 2015 at the Geneva Motor Show, McLaren introduced a lightweight track focused version of the 650S, called the 675LT. This was the 3rd car McLaren had launched as part of their “Super Series” which later included the 720S and the most recent Longtail, the 765LT. Like the 650s before it, the name refers to the power output of 675PS whilst the LT stands for “Longtail” and was seen as a throwback to the 1997 McLaren F1 GT Longtail, considered by many as the holy grail of McLaren F1’s. Whilst the F1 Longtail featured extended overhangs in order to achieve extreme downforce without the need for a fixed rear wing, the 675LT is only 33mm longer than the 650s so the name is perhaps more spiritual than anything. Despite this, soon after the 675LT was launched it became apparent that the LT was the car we had all been waiting for McLaren to make.


Text originally from the McLaren 675LT’s page.

The McLaren 675LT, introduced at the 2015 Geneva Motor Show, is a track-focused, lightweight version of the 650S. Its name comes from «675», the car’s power output (in metric horsepower), and «LT», a reference to the «Long Tail» 1997 McLaren F1 GT which was the final incarnation of the F1 road car built to comply with FIA homologation regulations for the 1997 F1 GTR. The F1 GT featured extended front and rear overhangs that produced similar downforce to the previous homologation special, the F1 LM, without the use of a drag-inducing fixed rear wing.

The 675LT uses a single-piece carbon fiber monocell weighing 165 lb (75 kg), with extensive carbon fiber usage in the car to further reduce weight and increase rigidity. The 675LT is supplied with new carbon ceramic brake discs to increase braking performance over the 650S. Disc sizes are 394 mm (15.5 in) at the front and 380 mm (15.0 in) at the rear. Six-piston calipers grip the front discs with four-piston calipers used for the rear discs. Braking performance is also aided by the air brake ability of the new, wider rear wing. The car has a length of 179 in (455 cm), width of 82 in (208 cm), and height of 46.8 in (119 cm), along with a 105.1 in (267 cm) wheelbase.

The 675LT uses a new 10-spoke wheel design, each weighing 800 g (28.2 oz) less than the alloy wheels found on the McLaren P1, with the front wheels being 19 inches and rear wheels being 20 inches. The new wheels are enclosed in Pirelli P-Zero Trofeo R track-focused, road legal tires which increase grip by a maximum of 6% over the 650S’s P-Zero Corsa. Its weight is at least 220 lb (100 kg) less than the 650S, consequently standing at 2712 lb (1230 kg) dry, although it has a curb weight of 2993 lb (1358 kg).

The 675LT uses a 3.8 L (3,799 cc) twin-turbocharged M838TE V8 engine, producing 666 hp (497 kW) at 7,100 rpm and 516 ft·lb (700 N·m) at 5,500 rpm, all achieved through the addition of new lightweight connecting rods, bespoke camshaft, an electronic recirculation valve, and a lightweight titanium exhaust system, alongside revised turbocharger compressor wheels and an optimized fuel pump. The 675LT uses the 650S’s seven-speed McLaren SSG dual-clutch automatic gearbox, with reduced shift times thanks to improved software.

The 675LT can accelerate from 0 — 60 mph (0 — 97 km/h) in 2.9 seconds, 0 — 124 mph (0 — 200 km/h) in 7.9 seconds, 0 — 186 mph (0 — 300 km/h) in 25.9 seconds, and 0 — 200 mph (0 — 322 km/h) in 31.2 seconds, continuing on to a top speed of at least 205 mph (330 km/h).


The 675LT originally cost new just shy of £260,000 with the Spider costing around £25,000 extra. Most coupes listed at close to £300K+ once options had been added, whilst Spiders tended to list in the region of £325-350k. When the 675LT first came out in 2015 this was really the start of a boom in the supercar industry and whilst initially people were buying them for moderate premiums in the realms of £15-20K over list, by the time the Spider was being delivered premiums were up closer to £100K over list price. The LT along with the 458 Speciale, Aventador SV and GT3 RS were all surging in value at the time as supply could not keep up with demand during 2016 and this is what partly led to manufacturer’s beginning to make more and more limited edition cars.

With Brexit, a global economic slowdown and a supercar market which had become increasingly saturated the LT suffered from heavy depreciation during 2018 and 2019 and it wasn’t long until cars were back at list price and then they began to fall even further.

With the 720S being the preferred model for some people due to the newer tech and faster stats, it wasn’t long until the long tail variant of the 570s, named the 600LT was released to a rapturous reception which included winning the coveted Evo COTY award. Whilst this may have resulted in the 675LT being very much out of the spotlight what has happened since then is that 675LT prices have levelled out and it has transitioned from being the latest thing into being more of a modern classic and it’s appeal has not diminished amongst driving purists. Especially considering the fact that now they are at a much more affordable level with the coupes now dipping well below £200K and the Spiders not far off this. This has led to a resurgence of interest and appreciation for what is so widely regarded as such a special car and a modern classic.

McLaren 600LT

What does the future hold? We think a lot of this depends on the 765LT and how this performs in the market. It will not be as rare as the 675LT, with 765 examples to be built, as opposed to 500 and we expect a similar story for the Spider. The 765LT will of course feature the latest technology that McLaren has to offer and there is no denying the base model on which it is based, the 720S, was levels ahead of the 650S which the 675 was based on. It would therefore be a big shock if the 765 wasn’t a fantastic car, after all McLaren are getting quite good at this now. Sometimes though, car manufacturers hit a sweet spot with a certain model and that is certainly the case with the 675LT which is starting to stand the test of time very well. In the last few years McLaren’s reputation has taken a bit of a battering mainly due to the heavy depreciation, relentless pursuit of building and selling more and more new models and ongoing reliability and build quality issues.

McLaren 765LT

The market is in a very different place to where it was 4 or 5 years ago and the economic effects of Coronavirus remain to be seen but we would expect a slow decline of prices over the course of this year before a potential bottoming out in 2021. Will they ever go below £150K that remains to be seen but we certainly wouldn’t bet your bottom dollar on it. This is far too good a car to think that will ever happen but the world is a funny place and you never know what is around the corner.

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